How does this process of genealogical research work? Here are the basic steps:
Schedule your free phone consultation or video conference (using a service such as Zoom or Skype). Contact us today!
During our consultation, we will discuss what you already know and what you would like to learn. We will define a manageable goal given the amount of time you wish to purchase and the format in which you want the information delivered. That may be some sort of family tree, a report answering a particular question or questions, specific documents, a timeline listing the major dates and events of your ancestor’s life, a written story, or something else.
Send whatever relevant data you already have to Find Your Family at RileyGenealogyService@gmail.com.
This may be a partial family tree, information from a family Bible, stories you heard growing up, and more. If you are starting from scratch and so have little pertinent information that is fine!
Select the amount of time you would like Find Your Family to devote to your project. This will vary depending on the length and complexity of your genealogy goals. Then pre-pay for the block of time you wish to contract through PayPal.
Once we have established your goals, collected your genealogy information and received your payment, we will plan and then begin research on your project. Note that we provide service on a first come, first served basis and that occasionally we may be booked ahead for some time. If this is the case, we will provide an estimate regarding when we will get to your project.
We will stay in touch during the research phase to update you on our progress and to ask further questions that may arise.
Once the research is complete, we will create and deliver the product you have requested. Again, that may be a family tree, a report answering a particular question or questions, specific documents, a timeline listing the major dates and events of your ancestor’s life, a written story, or something else.
Finished products may include the following, depending on the nature of the particular research project:
- A summary of the research conducted for your project.
- Citations for each piece of information in the tree, report, timeline, story or other item.
- A complete list of the sources utilized in the project.
- Digital copies of all documents we located.
- Suggestions for further research.
At this point, you may be so pleased with what you have learned that you will want to commission another project!